Best Place to Hide?

Scary JokeWhere’s the best place to hide a dead body?

On Page 2 of the Google Search Results.

No one will ever find it!




But seriously folks

Studies have shown that as many as 92% of searchers do not go past Page 1 of the Google Search Results. If they don’t see something listed that they think matches their needs, they are more likely to try a different search than to scroll through Page 2, 3 and beyond.

So if your business is not on Page 1 of the Google Search Results for keywords describing what you do, or a problem that people have, or something they need, chances are you are losing a lot of business to your competition who are on Page 1.

Just how much is bleeding from your bottom line? That depends on a number of factors, including the demand for your products or services and the revenue that you receive for each new client, customer or patient. If you complete our discovery form, we will research your industry to determine whether you are losing enough to justify investing in a visibility campaign.

What if I told you that for every $1 you gave me, I’d give you $2 back?

Hey, if you told me that, I’d be at my bank right now making as big a withdrawal as I could! We get our clients that kind of return, and more. I wish I could get those kind of returns with every investment I make.

On the other hand, if I don’t find enough potential demand and return on your investment, then I don’t want to work with you. Getting on Page 1 of Google should not just be a challenging exercise for SJSEO. Our goal is to help your business grow.

Sound interesting? Please give us a call at 856-491-9510 or complete our Discovery Form and I’ll get back to you promptly!